Friday, 6 March 2015

Etisalat Bis working well on all Android phones and few other phones.

How are you doing? Hope you're having a nice day. Well for me my day has been going fine all thanks to my just discovered method of using Etisalat Bis on Android With its full potentials fully unlocked.

Not all that, I can also use Whatsapp and other Social Apps on my Android phone and I still download Unlimitedly with the new MTN Daily Bis. And I know most of you are already enjoying the MTN Bis on your phones.

Well straight to the point. You know all Network's bis are currently working on Android devices. Some you have to change your IMEi like Glo for it to work and others you just have to connect and start surfing the net.

I have been using Etisalat Bis on my Android phone for quite some time now but the only challange I was facing was that I wasn't able to chat on some social apps like Whatsapp and 2go and few apps.

But when it comes to downloading, the network was really fast and always ready to download. It was good and also wasn't good because I wasn't chatting as frequent as before. But story has changed now I can now do what I wasn't able to do before. Now am free to share this steps to you all to make you guys surf just like me.

Now with this steps, you can now use your Etisalat Bis on your Android phone and now you can now connect with Whatsapp and all those stubborn apps that are really hard to browse with previously.

Steps: 1. You can use your normal IMEI be it 86 or 35 any of them, will go but if you doubt yours, then you just have to make sure your Device IMEI is corresponding to that of BB phones. Or better Still learn how to change your phones IMEI here.

Step 2. After the IMEI things, just apply for the Blackberry Subcription of your choice. For testing the authenticity of the tweaking and rest, apply for the one day.

3. After applying for the daily own, create a New APN like this.
Name: Etisalat Bis
APN type: Default,supl
Port: 8080
4. Download autoproxy app here but in other to use autoproxy, your phone needs to be rooted. Learn how to do that here if yours is rooted. 5. After installation, "Add New Proxy" with these settings
Proxy host:
Port: 8080
Proxy type: HTTP
Then save..
Now when your blackberry plan has been activated, Switch on your Data connection and the go to the autoproxy app and then Connect the New Proxy you created there.

That's all if you discover any problem along the way, just let me know. I will always be here to render my help to all those who need it.

And if it works for you, just let me know by also commenting. thanks But if you aren't the type that normally do social apps, yours is to just browse and download, then there is no need for the Autoproxy.. But your own APN should be like this

Name: Etisalat Bis
APN type: Default,supl
Port: 8080


  1. Does this work as WiFi hotspot? thanks

    1. Sincerely speaking I haven't tried tethering it but I think it won't work.. Due to the proxy change and the rest. But if you try it and it works out fine for you, let me know.. Thanks

  2. OK I will. You've been very helpful. More palm oil 2 ur elbows

  3. I have tried all the settings published doesn't work. Please any solution. Thanks

    1. Bro its working well and its been confirmed and tested on some android devices no flop
